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After menopause, vaginal tissues atrophy, the lining thins and secretes less fluid, and the pH becomes more alkaline, which leads to painful sex as well as increased susceptibility to infections and urinary problems.DHEA can be your answer.


“This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”



Re-Newed DHEA Suppositories (15 Suppositories) (ONLY SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES)

  • Bezwecken has reformulated the DHEA Cubes into easy to insert suppositories!


    ReNewed  DHEA Vaginal Suppositories contains a unique formula of DHEA  and other soothing ingredients. The formula provides healing to the dry and sensitive vaginal tissue. When used as directed. ReNewed helps replenish your natural moisture. It enhances the ease and comfort of intimate sexual activity.



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