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About Barbara Hoffman

Barbara Hoffman is a naturopath, medical researcher, journalist, women's health advocate and natural hormone & weight consultant. Barbara has been in the medical field for over 30 years and has worked in the field of women's health since 1980. For the past 20 years she has been researching weight loss, the benefits of natural progesterone, writing about alternatives to synthetic hormones, and compiling weight loss studies. She is the author of Hope For Your Hormones, Natural Progesterone For You, and The Good Mood Diet Plan.

Eat Yourself Slender

  • Eat Yourself Slender by Barbara A. Hoffman


    Available on Amazon as e-Book, Kindle, or Paperback :

    • Amazon (Kindle Edition)
    • Amazon (Paperback)  NEW!



    - Deprivation

    - Counting Calories

    - Starving Yourself

    - Yo-Yo Dieting

    Also Inside: High-Protein, Low-Carb Recipes, Tips From Your Thin Friends, What Type of Eater Are You?

    Take the Quiz - Pinpoint Which Supplements Will Help You

    Don't Let Your Wayward Hormones Control Your Weight!

    I have talked to many thousands of women and men about their health. How to lose weight is the #2 question after hormone balance. As it turns out, they are related. Insulin levels must be controlled. How? I am your "anti-diet" specialist. You CAN eat AND lose weight. In fact, I insist that you eat! Your metabolism is like a furnace. It needs FUEL! Yes! You CAN Eat Yourself Slender!

    I want to help YOU be the weight that is YOUR goal... Pick your weight, I'm going to help you get there! This is a NO-FAIL Plan!



  • "I have been telling my whole church about you and your research and how it has helped me. I thank you so much for the work that you do. I have read your book and sound quite knowledgeable now after reading it. I was quite depressed before I came off sugar and started using the L-Tyrosine, 5-HTP and Progesterone Cream faithfully. We do steer clear of fast food restaurants now and I have made your pizza crust a couple times now out of cauliflower. Very Good! Tonight I made your skinny mashed potatoes. The spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs is also very good. Well, I am very excited about this and I thank you." ~ Jackie

    "I want to start by telling you how grateful I am for all that you do to educate and help all of us. I started the Stay Off Sugar Challenge on October 17. I have since lost 6 pounds and some inches too (in just 1 month). My pants are loose and I am feeling so much better. The main thing that I have noticed is that I am sleeping so much better. The no sugar has been huge for me. I was a late night cereal junkie. I just returned from a 10 day trip to California visiting family. There were 2 birthday celebrations while I was there and I turned down the cake both times saying, 'No thanks, I don't eat sugar'. It felt so good! P.S. - My sister started the Eat Yourself Slender lifestyle after watching me for 10 days. She is ordering your book this week. It's addicting in a good way! Your goal of helping 1 million people is off to a good start. I'm going to keep spreading the word!" ~ Kathi


    "Dear Barbara, You changed my life. I gained 40 lb in 3 years due to depression and bad food habits. I tried every diet and program possible, spent a lot of money- in the 5 numbers! - and nothing! I even gained more! I went to nutritionist doctors... one put me on Prozac to make me lose weight- nothing of course! Another one gave me levothyroxine - although my thyroid levels were normal! It was a nightmare. I had suicidal thoughts. Now FINALLY I stumbled upon your books. I started with the supplements… What a change!!! Within DAYS I started to lose!! And most important: less anxiety and hunger!! Today I had a stressful day. I thought about rewarding myself with ice cream. But when I got to the parlor, I found out I didn’t WANT the ice cream! I just drove on! Imagine that for someone who used to die for ice cream. I am super happy, more healthy, more energetic. I wake up at 7- before I couldn’t get out of bed before 9 or 9:30! You changed my life for good. Thank you so much!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you." - Karin

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